Major Events EOI Now Open

Friday 30 June 2023

Crowd at the 2023 Reclink Community Cup. Photo credit: Michael Mackenzie.
Image: Reclink Community Cup 2023, Victoria Park. Photo by Michael Mackenzie

 Expressions of Interest to hold a major event in the City of Yarra from January 2024 to December 2024 are now closed. Thank you for your interest. 

To manage the demand for spaces in Yarra, we have a major events Expression of Interest (EOI) process. The EOI process focuses on capturing the following types of events and markets:

  • Events requiring closures of major roads
  • Long stay or recurring events (markets and circuses)
  • Events attracting over 1,000 participants
  • Events incorporating road closures of Yarra Boulevard
  • Other types of events are also welcomed.

We generally receive EOI’s for large-scale, street-based events such as the Johnston St Fiesta, alongside smaller celebrations on residential streets and park-based events such as fun runs, concerts and circuses.

Events in the past have included Victoria St Lunar Festival, Reclink Community Cup, St Patricks Family Fun Day, the Sri Chinmoy Half-Marathon, and Trail Run, Victorian Duathlon Series, Abbotsford Farmers Markets and Vollyspot Events.

Applicants are required to submit a preliminary proposal that includes a description of the proposed activity and site, frequency, and relevant experience of the applicant. The preliminary proposals will be assessed by a panel and the applicants that best meet Council’s criteria will be issued an in-principle agreement. We will then invite successful applicants to submit a detailed proposal for consideration.

Submissions open on Saturday 1 July 2023 and will remain open until Monday July 31 2023.

To make a submission, please visit:

For more information on the EOI process, please read the EOI Guidelines (PDF, 709lb)

For any queries please contact us on 03 9205 5205 or [email protected]


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