Expression of Interest 560 Church St Cremorne Pop Up Space

Wednesday 05 April 2023

wide image of a well lit wooden floored room, modern seating arrangement around a coffee table, large wooden staircase in the adjacent room

Interior image of section of ground floor 560 Church Street Cremorne. Please note, the space is unfurnished. Image supplied by Alfasi Property.

Rent Free High Quality Spaces Available.

We are looking for creatives to takeover a whole floor of high quality spaces in the Bryant & May Heritage Buildings at 560 Church Street, Cremorne. Yarra Council's Room to Create Program, which is actively working to increase affordable creative spaces in Yarra is brokering this pop up opportunity presented by Alfasi Property and the Hamilton family. We are looking for individual arts practitioners, collectives and presenters to occupy part or all of the space. The space is available until December 2023 with the opportunity for further extensions.

Bryant & May Heritage Building – 560 Church Street, Cremorne

This is a unique opportunity to occupy space in Melbourne’s sought after city fringe precinct - 560 Church Street is part of the iconic Bryant & May Match Factory, located 3km southeast of Melbourne’s CBD. This temporary occupancy will be from July to December 2023 and then on a rolling month to month basis. The property is a two (2) level office, with the available space of 360sqm (located on ground level only) accessed via single entry off Russell Street. The office is fully self-contained with bathroom and kitchenette facilities and includes heating and cooling. The space has an abundance of natural light with east facing windows along Church Street.

There are limitations to the space which restrict it being used for some arts projects. Please consider these limitations carefully if you plan to propose an activity. These restrictions include:

  • On signing of the agreement, the lease will be until December 2023 and then strictly a month-to-month lease with 30 day notice to vacate after this date
  • Minimal noise and no amplification (the use of loud machinery and amplified sound will not be suitable)
  • All fit outs and furniture must be brought in by the tenant and removed at the conclusion of the lease, and the space returned to condition as at date of occupation
  • Domestic waste disposal only
  • Under no circumstances can the space be used for accommodation

The appropriate organisation or project will be able to offer some level of community engagement. This could include but is not limited to; visible activity through the windows, a publicly accessible reading space, art on display, opening hours or events.

View a plan of the space here

There will be two inspection dates for the space. It is highly recommended that you attend one of these inspections:

Tuesday 18th April 2-4pm

Thursday 27th April 11-12pm

How to apply

Applications have now closed. 

Video of the space

Key dates

Applications close: 11:59pm Wednesday 10 May 2023

Successful applicant will be announced early June 2023 for immediate occupation on signing of lease agreement

For further information:

Please contact Brona Keenan, Coordinator Arts Development  [email protected] or 9205 5212


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