Adelle Mills

Adelle Mills Posture Carriages

Adelle Mills is an artist who considers language in its broadest sense, as verbal, bodily or visual systems of communication. Her practice includes a range of disciplines including video, performance, writing and choreography. 

Through the use of mobile phones, chat and text forms, and performance, the artist explores what they bring to the function of language. She is concerned with the emotional resonances and conditions new technology imparts or permits within human communication. Recent works consider the performative quality of the text message and how a triadic structure between people and phones informs an intimacy predicated upon inherent tele-communicative distance.

Mills spent her Studio One residency developing a writing project to be digitally performed as a part of an online gallery site. 

Posture Carriages, with Kate Meakin. Gertrude Glasshouse, 2017. Photograph: Christo Crocker.

Image courtesy the artist