2025 City of Yarra Exhibition Program

Expressions of Interest for the 2025 City of Yarra Exhibition Program have now closed. 

Image: Installation view of ‘The Surface Ripples’ (detail), 2023 by Jessye Wdowin McGregor. Bargoonga Nganjin, North Fitzroy Library, 27 January - 9 April 2023. Photo by J. Forsyth

We are seeking innovative and engaging artists to exhibit as part of our 2025 exhibition program at:

  • Fitzroy Library
  • Bargoonga Nganjin, North Fitzroy Library
  • Carlton Library Light Boxes.

Application eligibility

  • Artists in all stages of their career (emerging, mid-career and established) are eligible to apply.
  • Applicants must be living in Australia.
  • Current employees of Yarra City Council are ineligible to apply.
  • Artists cannot exhibit solo exhibitions in the City of Yarra Exhibition Program two years in a row.

Expressions of Interest close: Friday 13 September 2024

How to Apply

Expressions of Interest will require:

  • A completed application form (which includes an exhibition rationale)
  • A CV
  • Up to 12 high-resolution (1 MB) examples (images) of work.

Applicants can propose one space only as part of any application. Alternatively, applicants can submit multiple applications for distinct exhibitions tailored to each exhibition space.

Expressions of Interest are to be submitted through Smarty Grants.

Selection criteria

Submissions will be assessed on the following criteria:

  • Innovative and engaging art forms and practice.
  • Works of high quality and artistic merit presented in a professional manner.
  • Clarity of theme/concept of the exhibition.
  • Quality of documentation provided.
  • Works that fit within the limitations of the exhibition spaces.
  • For Carlton Library Light Box submissions: Responsive to the site, a photographic, or digital medium/other work that demonstrates suitability to the Duratrans medium, the illuminated aesthetic and display (light box format).

About the City of Yarra Exhibition Program

The City of Yarra Exhibition Program offers opportunities for artists at all stages of their career to showcase their work and make creative use of our venues. It also provides our locals and the wider community an opportunity to enjoy arts and culture as an everyday experience.

Fitzroy Library and Bargoonga Nganjin exhibitions are programmed for twelve weeks duration. A fee is paid to successful applicants to contribute towards the exhibition development and presentation costs.

Exhibition spaces in these two venues are in high traffic areas. Bargoonga Nganjin operates an ‘Open Library’ policy, extending library hours to registered library users for unmanned, self-service access to library facilities. Although all care and consideration are given to the safety of the works on display, artists exhibit works at their own risk. Council takes no responsibility for any theft, loss, or damage to artwork during transportation or display at all venues and recommends that all exhibitors have artwork/artist insurance for the duration of their exhibition (including installation and dismantling) and for associated events, such as exhibition openings and public programs.

The Arts and Cultural Services Unit will

  • Support and advise exhibitors in the installation and dismantling of exhibitions ensuring standards of exhibition best practice are adhered to.
  • Produce exhibition signage and wall text (if applicable).
  • Produce a room sheet with information on the artist/s, works and price for sale (if applicable). Note: Council will not take any commission on artworks sold.
  • Promote the exhibition in relevant Arts and Cultural Services promotional material and platforms where opportunities are available.
  • Produce professional photographic documentation of the exhibition for reference and promotional purposes.
  • Support an exhibition opening (if applicable)
  • Reserve the right to make final decisions determining the exhibition, exhibition dates and installation of works.
  • If applicable, provide an opportunity and support for successful applicants to facilitate a workshop/artist talk in response to their exhibition as part of our public program with Yarra Libraries.

Note: If the exhibition program must close due to unforeseen circumstances, exhibitions that are impacted may be rescheduled at staff discretion.

The exhibitor/s will:

  • Make sure all works are ready to hang or display with hanging mechanisms or object mounts as appropriate, by the install date.
  • Be responsible for the cost of transportation to and from the gallery including the install and deinstall of their artwork.
  • Provide to the Visual Arts Officer two high and low-resolution images and an exhibition statement for promotional purposes at the acceptance of an offer.
  • Provide to the Visual Arts Officer a list of works (title, materials, and dimensions) at least two weeks prior to the exhibition opening.

Fitzroy Library

Fitzroy Library is located at 128 Moor Street, Fitzroy.

The exhibition space consists of 12 wall mounted glass cases in a busy corridor that leads to the library meeting rooms and staff offices. The cases are suitable for two-dimensional works (particularly series of work), jewellery, small sculptural objects, and historical exhibitions. Library spaces can be viewed during opening hours.

Three exhibitions will be selected for Fitzroy Library for a duration of 12 weeks each. Exhibiting individuals/groups will be provided with installation and technical support if requested/needed. Access will be organised in coordination with Arts & Cultural Services and Yarra Libraries.

A stipend of $650 will be provided to each selected artist/group to support an exhibition. The available spaces are February to April, August to October, and November 2025 to January 2026.

Bargoonga Nganjin

Bargoonga Nganjin is located at 182 St Georges Rd, North Fitzroy. It includes a Library, Maternal and Child Heath Centre, community rooms and rooftop garden.

The exhibition space consists of one curved wall in a busy area within the ground floor foyer area that leads to the children’s library, library meeting rooms and reception. The wall is suitable for framed works installed on hanging track, two dimensional installations and/or custom paste up, wallpaper or mural/drawing works. An optional addition to the wall is the inclusion of two transparent wall cavity cases which are suitable for suspended two-dimensional works (particularly series of work), jewellery, small sculptural objects, and historical exhibitions. Library spaces can be viewed during opening hours.

Note: Bargoonga Nganjin currently operates an ‘Open Library’ policy; extending library hours to registered library members for unmanned, self-service access to library facilities.

Four exhibitions will be selected for Bargoonga Nganjin, each for a duration of 12 weeks. The available spaces are February to April, May to July, August to October, and November 2025 to January 2026.

Exhibiting individuals/groups will be provided with installation and technical support. Access will be organised in coordination with Arts & Cultural Services and Yarra Libraries. A stipend of $1000 will be provided to each selected artist/group to support an exhibition.

Carlton Library Light Box Public Art Program

Carlton Library is located on a busy, inner-city street at 667 Rathdowne Street, North Carlton. It plays a vital role in the delivery of services to the community and many members of our community, of all ages, frequent this important facility.

Carlton Library Light Box Public Art Program enhances the library’s profile and the surrounding streetscape, while also ensuring contemporary art is part of the everyday experience of our community and visitors to Yarra. Located on the south wall of the library, along Newry Street near the junction of Rathdowne Street, they are visible and illuminated during the evening hours from dusk.

Light Box Dimensions

  • Each box is landscape format and measures 931mm (height) x 1,279mm (wide).
  • The material size of the print will be produced at 841mm (h) x 1,189mm (w); and
  • The image/visual will measure 821mm (h) x 1,169mm (w).

Two series of four works will be selected, printed on photographic Duratrans, and exhibited for six months each in 2025. Artists should be mindful of the key audience for the Light Boxes that includes users of the Carlton Library, residents, pedestrians, nearby business patrons and commuters along Rathdowne Street.

Each selected artist will receive a fee of $2,000 (excluding GST).

This fee is inclusive of all costs involved with the creation of the works including artist fee, production of digital files to specifications for printing, transport, and administration.

Council will manage and cover the costs associated with printing the Duratrans and installation, however the artist will be required to liaise with the appointed supplier regarding supplying files and overseeing test prints.

Council will retain ownership of the Duratrans and they may be accessioned into Yarra’s Art Collection.

Further Information

If you require a hard copy application form, information, or other assistance to complete your application for the 2025 City of Yarra Exhibition Program, please contact:
Grace Longato, Visual Arts Officer on 03 9205 5029 or by email 