Un Projects writer in residence

Monday 09 July 2018

Liveworks Hannah Donnely
Hannah Donnelly, 'The Future Leaks Out', 2017, Liveworks. Photo: Lucy Parakhina

un Projects is delighted to announce Wiradjuri woman, artist and writer Hannah Donnelly as the inaugural un Writer in Residence.

A new initiative from independent arts publisher un Projects, the un Writer in Residence
program offers an emerging-to-mid career Australian arts writer a five-month paid writing

During her residency, Hannah will focus on developing her ongoing writing experiments with
speculative fiction and Indigenous Futures. This will encapsulate both critical theory,
research and creative writing in the form of future tense interviews with artists and curators.

“The future tense interview is about understanding the collective imagining of an artist’s
practice and how sovereignty could be and is imagine in art practices,” says Hannah.

Throughout her residency, Hannah’s work will be published on unprojects.org.au in the form
of work-in-progress, culminating in a larger digital publication and a public presentation.

As part of the program, Hannah will also have opportunities to engage with and learn from
the un Projects extended team of editors and artists (and vice versa), as well as access new
networks and reading audiences.

un Projects General Manager Sarah Gory notes that this is the only residency of its kind for
arts writers in Australia; a residency tailored to the specific writing practice of the resident
writer, with no strings attached beyond creating and publishing new work.

“Arts writing is critically underfunded and yet always in demand,” says Gory.

“We set up this residency as we saw a gap - there are few, if any, professional and creative
development avenues for mid-career arts writers, especially those wanting to develop longform
writing or more critically-engaged research.

This residency is designed both to support the writers’ practice, as well as contribute to the
development of an innovative contemporary arts culture in Australia.”

un Projects are supported by the City of Yarra.

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