un Projects is now calling for proposals

Wednesday 30 May 2018

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Photo by Daniel Gardeazabal.

un Projects is now calling for proposals for un Magazine 12.2, co-edited by Maddee Clark and Neika Lehman with sub-editor Daniel Browning, to be published in November 2018.

Collaboration can be carried out without the conscious knowledge or indeed volition of the other party [...] I am very excited because our collaboration (by mental telepathy) seems to be triggering off many more 'events' - unexpected relationship and correspondences than we could ever have expected." Imants Tillers, fax to Gordon Bennett, 1993

What makes a collaboration? What relationships does art enable or constrain? What is the importance of artistic community? How does the process of art making relate to the individual?

This issue of un Magazine examines the complexity of collaborative relationships; how the personal, professional, erotic, and economic intersect, how the work affects the relationship (and vice versa).

We are looking for submissions that speak to the power dynamics of collaborative projects; about unspoken hierarchies that persist under the guise of equitable collectivity and dialogue. Collaborations (and relationships more broadly) can take on powerful imaginative and esoteric lives of their own, often more interesting than the artworks produced from them. What is the value in the emotional life of collaborations? How much of their afterlives do we see and how much are we aware of?

We want to talk about decision making processes between artistic co-conspirators; about strategy, collusion, admiration, and desire, as well as conflict, exploitation, jealousy, and sabotage; feedback loops and echo chambers. We want to publish written and visual submissions, email exchanges, letters, poems, archival junk and personal ephemera.


un Magazine publishes essays, interviews, artworks, creative commentary, audio and video works, and everything in between. We are open to experimental approaches within printed and online formats. All contributors are paid, with rates varying from $150 - $400.

To submit your proposal, download and complete this application form.

DEADLINE: 5pm Sunday 3 June 2018

un Magazine hopes to publish a diverse range of voices. We always encourage submissions from writers and artists who identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, as queer and/or trans, as having a disability, people of colour, and people of all genders.

More information:

un Projects


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