Robert Young and Lyn Al Young

Recognition of our Royalty

Image of fabric with different colours painted on

You will know them by their fruits

(Matthew 7:15-20)

People will know our ancestors, and their lives, through us. For our lives are the fruition of our ancestors and the continuation of their story. We are their descendants and their destiny. Their lives have shaped our story and future.

Recognition of Our Royalty pays respect to our past, and shows reverence for our lineage, our history and our sovereignty. We have taken up the mantel that was given to us through stories that were shared; the names that we were given; and the foundation that was laid.

Gunnai, Wiradjuri, Gunditjmara and Yorta Yorta siblings; Lyn-Al and Robert Young live and work in Melbourne. They come from a family of artists and strong Aboriginal leaders, which has shaped their cultural and creative identity. Their work focuses on their story, family, ancestors and history. This exhibition also reflects their connection to Yarra and specifically Gertrude Street and the Fitzroy area.

Recognition of our Royalty was exhibited at the Richmond Town Hall from  8 November 2017 to 31 January, 2018