Robert and Lyn-Al Young

Image of fabric with different colours painted on

Brother and sister Robert and Lyn-Al Young are artists who used their residency at the Florence Peel Centre to develop a body of work that included paintings, textiles and boomerangs. This work was then exhibited in ‘Dreaming Together’, held at the Richmond Town Hall Exhibition Space.

They also used this residency to deliver a series of workshops designed to empower and re-engage indigenous youth who are disconnected from family and culture.
‘Young Art-Old History’ is the Gunnai Waradgerie Young family slogan – they have run workshops for over 15 years for indigenous, corporate and school groups.
In collaboration with City of Yarra, Young Art partnered with Korin Gamadji Institute (KGI) and MAYSAR to deliver workshops in which students learnt to craft traditional artefacts (boomerangs, shields, clapsticks), work with textiles and visualise ‘their’ story through painting. These workshops were generously funded by the Victorian Indigenous Family Violence Strategy Community Initiatives Fund.

In 2017, and in collaboration with street artists Heesco and Makatron, Robert completed a mural in Charcoal Lane, Fitzroy that honours the suburb’s prevailing Aboriginal history and identity.

He also teamed up with PUMA to design the Dreamtime “Borra Range” apparel and also designed Richmond football club’s dreamtime Guernsey for their Indigenous round against Essendon.

Lyn-Al Young is a 23 year old Gunnai, Wiradjuri, Gunditjmara and Yorta Yorta fashion designer and artist living in Melbourne. She was recently announced as David Jones’ emerging designer.

Image courtesy the artist