Salote Tawale

Super by Salote Tawale

Projections being shown on the side of a building in Peel Street Park

In Salote Tawale’s single-channel video work entitled Super, the artist uses her own body to portray all of the main characters within a super hero narrative―the gendered stereotypes of the hero, sidekick, villain and victim.  Through this act the inequalities of gender within society are revealed. 

The artist’s Fijian features play off against expected Anglicised racial stereotypes of the hero and the victim.  This discussion is still relevant in our society where the main narrative that exists within popular culture is still dominated by the Anglo/ Celtic body.  By using her own body the artist is commenting on the perceived 'normal body' within Australian society.

The video plays on in a never ending loop, the story is never resolved and the characters continue to be wrapped up in the same moment.

Super was part of the Yarra City Arts Peel Street Park Projection Program, from 1 June - 12 July, 2016.