Kent Morris

Waa and Wattle by Kent Morris

Waa and Wattle 2022 by Kent Morris. A digitally altered image featuring yellow and orange shapes, with 4 birds positioned across the image.

Image: Kent Morris, Waa and Wattle, 2022, single-channel digital video, silent, 3 mins.

Waa and Wattle by Kent Morris was exhibited in Peel Street Park from Tuesday 15 March to Thursday 28 April, 2022.

By reconstructing the built environment through a First Peoples lens, Kent Morris reveals the continuing presence and patterns of Aboriginal history, culture and knowledge in the contemporary Australian landscape, despite ongoing colonial interventions in the physical and political environments. By visually deconstructing and reassembling western systems, his work mirrors the methodical disassembly and denial of First Peoples cultural knowledge and highlights his desire to reshape and reaffirm contemporary thought, understanding and truth about the deep-time existence of Aboriginal philosophy, spirituality and knowledge and the role they continue to play in today’s society.

Kent Morris is a Barkindji artist living on Yauk-ut Weelam Country in Naarm/Melbourne. Central themes in his art practice are the connections between contemporary Indigenous experience and contemporary cultural practices and their continuation and evolution.

Video courtesy of the artist and Vivien Anderson Gallery, Melbourne.

See Kent Morris discuss his recent exhibition at Richmond Town Hall.