Vivian Cooper Smith

And yet, but for these flowers by Vivian Cooper Smith

Installation #3


'But, thought I, they are quite useless; they bear no fruit; they are mere weeds, suffered to remain only because there is no getting rid of them. And yet, but for these flowers, there would be nothing to charm the eye in that wilderness of stalks'. Arthur Schopenhauer, Studies in Pessimism.

The importance of flowers within local communities is often overlooked, however it is clear they bring great joy to the many people who cultivate them as well as to those who are simply admirers.

They can be a show of pride in one’s home, an opportunity to feel akin to nature or a way to connect with neighbours. In addition to their visual appeal they are great markers of time through their seasonal blooming and offer a gentle reminder of the fragility and temporality of life.

The images of flowers that make up this series were photographed in the gardens and public spaces surrounding this library. Taken over a succession of walks during Spring last year, the diversity and vibrancy they display is reflected in the community who grow them. The artist wishes to thank the many locals who shared their love of gardens and flowers with him during these walks.

And yet, but for these flowers by Vivian Cooper Smith was exhibited from 13 March to 30 June 2015.