Lean : Claudia Phares

Friday 02 August 2019 - Friday 25 October 2019

Claudia Phares, 'Lean', 2018

Lean is a work capturing an improvised performance with Claudia Phares and her children, inspired by the American artist Lee Lozano's titles of paintings between 1964-1967.

"Autobiographical events play a major role in my art practice, particularly those that challenge my self-concept and sense of control. Having become a mother is such an event."

This work is part of a multifaceted exhibition project, Strategies, where artist Claudia Phares explores what it means to sustain her roles and responsibilities required in both her art and mothering practices.

Richmond Library

Date and time:
During library opening hours
Friday 02 August 2019 - Friday 25 October 2019

415 Church Street, Richmond